1. M.G. Buehler, “Test patterns,” National Bureau of Standards SP 400-12, ed. by W.M. Bullis, Washington, D.C., 1975, p. 19.
2. J.G. Aiken. “The bipolar tetrode as a process control tool,” Semiconductor Silicon/1973, ed. by H. R. Huff and R. R. Burgess, Electrochem. Soc., Princeton, New Jersey, p. 759.
3. W.H. Schroen, J.G. Aiken, and G.A. Brown, “Reliability improvement by process control,” Proc. Tenth Annual IEEE Reliability Physics Symp., Las Vegas, Nevada, 1972, p. 42–48.
4. V.G.K. Reddi, “Influence of surface conditions on silicon planar transistor current gain,” Solid-State Electronics 10, 305–335 (1967).
5. P.J. Coppen and W.T. Matzen, “Distribution of recombination current in emitter-base junctions of silicon transistors,” IRE Trans. Electron Devices ED-9. 75–81 (Jan. 1962).