1. Buxton, R. (1990), “Interpretation of EIA Regulations in the UK Courts”, EIA Newsletter 5, 12–13.
2. Caldwell, L.K. (1982), Science and the National Environmental Policy Act: Redirecting Policy through Procedural Reform, The University of Alabama Press, Second Printing (1985), Alabama.
3. Clark, B.D., Chapman, K., Bisset, R. and Wathern, P. (1976), Assessment of Major Industrial Applications: A Manual, Research Report 13, Department of the Environment, London.
4. Coenen, R. and Jorissen, J. (1989), UmweltvertraglichkeitsprOfung in der Europaischen Gemeinschaft, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin.
5. Commission of the European Communities (1990), Proposal of a Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment of Policies, Plans and Programmes (Draft), Doc No. XII/194/90-DE, Brussels.