1. M. Farshad, Shell Structures, Vol. I, 1986, Vol. II, 1987, Shiraz University Publications,Shiraz
2. D. P. Billington, Thin Shell Concrete Structures, McGraw-Hill Book Co.N.Y., Revised edition, 1982
3. G. S. Ramaswamy, Design and Construction of Concrete Shell Roofs, McGraw-Hill Book Co., N.Y., 1968
4. M. Salvadori and R. Heller.Structure in Architecture,Prentice-Hall,INC.,N.J.,1963
5. Phase I Report on Folded Plate Construction”, Report of the Task Committee on Folded Plate Construction, Journal of the Structural Division, Proc. of ASCE, Dec. 1963, pp 365–406