1. For this claim see M. van Creveld, The Rise and Decline of the State (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 336–421.
2. See for a discussion also S. Rosenau, Turbulence in World Politics. A Theory of Change and Continuity (New York, Princeton University Press, 1990)
3. K. Ohmae, The End of the Nation State. The Rise of Regional Economics (New York, Free Press, 1995).
4. Similar claims are being discussed by O. Schachter, “The Decline of the Nation-State and Its Implications for International Law”, 36 Colombia Journal of Transnational Law, 1997, 7–23.
5. V. Cable, The Diminished Nation-State: A Study in the Loss of Economic Power (Daedalus, 1995).