1. This game was related by Nikolaus Bernoulli to the mathematician Montmort, who published it in his Essai d’analyse sur les jeux de hazard, Paris, 1713.
2. It became better known through the treatise of Daniel Bernoulli, “Specimen theoriae novae de mensura sortis” in the Commentarii Academia Petropol., V, 1738, p. 175.
3. In this category belong the remarks of d’Alembert, Doutes et questions sur le calcul des probabilités, Mélange de Littérature, d’His to ire, et de Philosophie, V, 1773
4. and of Béguelin, Histoire de l’Acad. de Sciences et Belles-Lettres, Berlin, 1767.
5. These were already contradicted by Lichtenberg, Physik. und Mathem. Schriften, Vol. 4, 1806.