1. Bargellini, P.L.; Communications Satellite Technology, AIAA Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics 33 (1974).
2. Bargellini, P.L.; Communications Satellite System, AIAA Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics 32 (1974).
3. deMendona, F.; ‘Education through Satellite in Brazil’, 27th International Astronautical Congress, IAF-76-l37, Anaheim, California (1976).
4. Feldman, N.E. and Kelly, C.M.; Communications Satellite for the 70’s: System, AIAA Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics 26 (1971).
5. Feldman, N.E. and Kelly, C.M.; Communications Satellite for the 70’s: Technology, AIAA Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics 25 (1971).