1. P. Afentakis, B. Gavish, U. Karmarkar (1980) Exact solutions to the lot-sizing problem in multistage assembly systems. Technical Report, University of Rochester.
2. K.R. Baker, P.S. Dixon, M.J. Magazine, E,A. Silver (1978) An algorithm for the dynamic lot-size problem with time-varying production capacity constraints. Management Sci. 24, 1710–1720.
3. G.R. Bitran, H.H. Yanasse (1981) Computational complexity of the capacitated lot size problem. Technical Report, Sloan School, M.I.T.
4. J. Blackburn, R. Millen (1979) Selecting a lot-sizing technique for a single-level assembly process: part I—analytical results. Production and Inventory Management, 3rd Quarter.
5. J. Blackburn, R. Millen (1979) Selecting a lot-sizing technique for a single-level assembly process: part II—empirical results. Production and Inventory Management, 4th Quarter.