1. Baker, James B. 1982a. Guidelines for natural regeneration. Pages 35–40 In Proc. How to Help Landowners with Forest Regeneration Conference. Sept. 9–10, 1981. Mississippi Forestry Commission, Jackson.
2. Baker, James B. 1982b. Natural regeneration of loblolly/shortleaf pine. Pages 31–50 In Proc. Low Cost Alternatives for Regeneration of Southern Pines. June 16–17, 1982, Athens, Ga. Georgia Cooperative Extension Serv., Athens.
3. N.C. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-42;JB Baker,1987
4. Baker, James B., and William E. Balmer. 1983. Loblolly pine. Pages 148–152 In Silvicultural Systems for the Major Forest Types of the United States (Russell M. Burns, compl.). U.S.D.A. Forest Serv., Washington, D.C. Agric. Handb. No. 445.
5. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-59;JC Brissette,1986