1. W. Kofink (1947) “Reflexion elektromagnetischer Wellen an einer inhomogenen Schicht”, Annalen der Physik 1, 119–132.
2. R. F. Potter (1969) “Pseudo-Brewster angle technique for determining optical constants”, Chapter 16 of “Optical properties of solids”, edited by S. Nudelman and S. S. Mitra, Plenum.
3. A. Vasicek (1960) “Optics of thin films”, North-Holland, Section 5. 2.
4. D. E. Aspnes (1976) “Spectroscopic ellipsometry of solids”, Chapter 15 in “Optical properties of solids: new developments” edited by B. O. Seraphin, North Holland.
5. F. Wooten (1972) “Optical properties of solids”, Academic Press.