1. E.C. Subbarao, “Zirconia-an overview” in Advances in Ceramics, Vol.3, Science and Technology of Zirconia (Ed. by A.H. Heuer and L.W. Hobbs) pp 1–24. Am. Ceram. Soc., Columbus, Ohio (1981).
2. A.H. Heuer and M. Rühle, “Phase transformations in ZrO2-containing ceramics: I, the instability of c-ZrO2 and the resulting diffusion-controlled reactions” in Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 12, Science and Technology of Zirconia II (Ed. by N. Claussen, M. Rühle and A. H. Heuer) pp 1–13. Am. Ceram. Soc., Columbus, Ohio (1984).
3. M. Rühle and A.H. Heuer, “Phase transformations in ZrO2-containing ceramics: II, the martensitic reaction in t-ZrO2” ibid. ppl4–32.
4. Ibid. Sections II, III and IV
5. Ibid. Section V.