1. Abbott, H.M. and Duddy, J.H.: 1965, Weightless Simulation Using Water Immersion Techniques: An Annotated Bibliography. LAC-SB-65-2, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Sunnyvale, Calif.
2. Abelmann, W.H.: 1966, ‘Effects of Abnormal Circulatory States Upon the Response to Upright Tilt’. Presented at the Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.
3. Adolph, E.F. cited by Giovanni, C. di Jr. and Birkhead, N.C. (see ref. 41).
4. Alexander, R. S.: 1954, ‘The Participation of the Venomotor System in Pressor Reflexes’, Circ. Res.
2, 405–409.
5. Arndt, J. O. and Gauer, O.H.: 1963, ‘Diuresis Induced by Water Infusion Into the Carotid Loop of the Unanesthetized Dog and Its Modification by a Small Hemorrhage’, Pfluegers Arch. Ges. Physiol.
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