1. E. Reifler, ‘Mechanical Determination of the Constituents of German Substantive Compounds’, MT
2 (1955), 3–14.
2. We refer in the first place to the articles in this volume. For French we refer to: R.P.G. de Rijk, ‘Une grammaire “context-free” pour la génération mécanique des noms de nombres français’, in: Braffort and F. van Schepen, Automation in language translation etc., Euratom CID, Brussels, 1967. For Chinese we used [3].
3. B. Brainerd, ‘Two Grammars for Chinese Number Names’, Canadian Journal of Linguistics
12 (1966), 33–51.
4. H. Brandt Corstius, ‘Automatic Translation of Numbers into Dutch’, Foundations of Language
1 (1965), 59–62.