1. N. Yee, J.-P Linnartz, and G. Fettweis, “Multicarrier CDMA for Indoor Wireless Radio Networks,” Proc. of PIMRC’93, pp. 109–113, September, 1993, Yokohama, Japan.
2. K. Fazel and L. Papke, “On the Performance of Conveolutionally-Coded CDMA/OFDM for Mobile Communication Systems,” Proc. of PIMRC’93, pp. 468–472, September, 1993, Yokohama, Japan.
3. V. DaSilva and E.S. Sousa, “Performance of Orthogonal CDMA Codes for Quasi-Synchronous Communications System,” Proc. of ICUPC’93, pp. 995–999, October, 1993, Ottawa, Canada.
4. L. Vandendorpe, “Multitone Direct Sequence CDMA System in an Indoor Wireless Environment,” Proc. of First IEEE Benelux Symp. on Comm. & Vehic. Techn., pp. 4.1.1–4.1.8, October, 1993, Delft, Netherlands.
5. S. Kaiser, and K. Fazel, “A Spread-Spectrum Multi-Carrier Multiple Access System for Mobile Communications,” Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum, K. Fazel and G.P. Fettweis (Eds.), pp. 49–56, 1997, Kluer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.