1. Humphrey H. B., Bureau of Mines Bulletin 586, 1960.
2. Richmond J. K., Price G. C., Sapko M. J., and Kawenski E. M., Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8909, 1983.
3. U.S. Congress, Federal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1977. Public Law 95–164, Nov. 9, 1977.
4. Hertzberg M., Cashdollar K. L., and Lazzara C. P., Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, p. 717, The Combustion Institute, 1981.
5. Hertzberg M., Cashdollar K. L., Ng D. L., and Conti R. S., Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, p. 1169, The Combustion Institute, 1982.