1. This monograph is mainly based on the author’s paper in Croat in “Simpozion o gerontologiji” (The Symposium on Gerontology) published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb 1958. The introductory part is based on the ideas put forward in a short article: M. D. Grmek, Les aspects historiques des problèmes fondamentaux de la Gérontologie, Le Scalpel, 110: 158–64, 1957.
2. I. L. Nascher, Geriatrics, New York Med. J., 90: 358–9, Aug. 21, 1909.
3. Various definitions of geriatrics and gerontology are discussed e.g. by: E. L. Touhy, The terms “Geriatrics” and “Gerontology”, Geriatrics, 5: 45, 1950;
4. H. Destrem, Définition, intéret et objet de la gérontologie et de la gériatrie, Concours méd., 76: 1335–8, 1954;
5. W. Doberauer, Hinweise zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung der Geriatrie, Klin. Med., 11: 429–46, 1956.