1. J.H. Perepezko and W.J. Boettinger, Mat.Res.Soc. Symp. Proc. 19, 1983, 223.
2. J.W. Cahn, in Rapid Solidification - Principles and Technologies II, ed. by R. Mehrabian, B.H. Kear and M. Cohen, Claitor’s Pub. Co., Baton Rouge, 1980, 24.
3. C.W. White, D.M. Zehner, S.U. Campisano and A.G. Cullis, in Surface Modification and Alloying, ed. by J.M. Poate, G. Foti and D.C. Jacobson, Plenum Press, NY, 1983, 287.
4. S.T. Picraux and D.M. Follstaedt, in Surface Modification and Alloying, ed. by J.M. Poate, G. Foti and D.C. Jacobson, Plenum Press,ny, 1983, 287.
5. L. Bendersky, Met. Trans. 16A, 1985, 683.