1. P. R. Gould, ‘Methodological Developments Since the Fifties’, in C. Board, R. J. Chorley, and P. Hackett (eds.), Progress in Geography, I, 1969, p. 3.
2. I. Burton in ‘The Quantitative Revolution and Theoretical Geography’, in Canadian Geographer 7 (1963), 151–62.
3. See A. G. Wilson, ‘Theoretical Geography: Some Speculations’, in Transactions, The Institute of British Geographers No. 57 (1972), 31–44.
4. S. Folke, ‘Why a Radical Geography Must be Marxist’, in Antipode
4 (1972), 17.
5. A. Maclntyre, ‘Ideology, Social Science and Revolution’, in Comparative Politics 5 (1973), 334.