1. Baker, H., 1743. The microscope made easy. 2nd Edn. Dodsley, London.
2. Baker, H., 1744. Letter to M. Folkes, President of the Royal Society dated Jan. 16th 1744. Reprinted in Baker, 1753.
3. Baker, H., 1753. Employment for the microscope. Dodsley, London.
4. Bogoslovsky, A. C, 1960. Observations on the reproduction of Conochiloides coenobasis. Zool. Zh. 39: 670–677 [in Russian].
5. Bonnet, C, 1781. Œuvres d’histoire naturelle et de philosophic, 8: 539 pp. Samuel Fauche, Libraire du Roi, Neuchatel, France.