1. Nelson. D.R.: 1962. An evaluation of the Columbia obstruction method for studying the behavior of the pink shrimp. Penaeus duorarum. Masters Thesis. University of Miami. Miami. 77 pp.
2. Nelson, D.R., S.H. Gruber.: 1963. Sharks: attraction by low-frequency sounds. Science 142: 975–977.
3. Wisby, W.J., J.D. Richard. D.R. Nelson, S.H. Gruber.: 1964. Sound perception in elasmobranchs. pp. 255–268. In: W.N. Tavolga (ed.) Marine Bio-acoustics. Pergamon Press. New York.
4. Nelson. D.R.: 1965. Hearing and acoustic orientation in the lemon shark, Negaprion brerirostris (Poey). and other large sharks. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Miami, Miami. 158 pp.
5. Nelson. D.R.: 1967. Cardiac responses to sounds in the lemon shark. Negaprion brerirostris. pp. 533–544. In: P.W. Gilbert. R.F. Mathewson, D.P. Rall (ed.) Sharks. Skates. and Rays. John Hopkins Press. Baltimore.