1. Allison, G. F. 1965. Functions of the Central African Power Corporation relating to Lake Kariba, pp. 21–23 In: LKFRI, Research Symposium (1965), Kariba (cyclostyled).
2. Allison, G. F. 1969. The hydrological management of Lake Kariba, pp. 1–8. In: Some problems of aquatic ecosystems in Southern Africa. Limnol. Soc. Sthrn. Africa Suppl. Newslett. 13.
3. Anonymous, 1955. East African Fisheries Research Organization. Annual Report 1954–1955. EAFFRO, Jinja, Uganda. 40 p.
4. Anonymous, 1962. Programme and guide to Livingstone-Kariba excursion. Meet. Ass. Afr. Geol. Surveys ( 1962 ). North Rhod. Geol. Surv., Lusaka (cyclostyled).
5. Anonymous, 1969. Hydrological year book 1963–64. Rhodesia, Hydrol. Branch, Minister of Irrigation and Lands, Govt. Printer, Salisbury, Rhodesia. 299 p.