1. L.F. Coffin–“The Effect of Vacuum on the High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Structural Metals”. Corr. Fat. Chemistry Mechanism and Microstructure Vol. 2, pp. 590–600.
2. D.J. Duquette and M.Gell–“The Effect of Environment on the Elevated Temperature Iktigue Behaviour of Nickel Base Superalloy Single Cristals”. Met. Trans., Vol. 3. July 1972, pp. 1899–1905.
3. L.F. Coffin, JR. “The Effect of High Vacuum on the Low-Cycle Fatigue Law”. Met. Trans., Vol. 3. July 1972 pp. 1777–1787.
4. M.F. Day, G.B. Thomas - COST 50 NPL8, Final Report, 1976.
5. L.Massarelli, D.Ranucci, E.Picco - COST 50 Round II; Progress Report, N. 2, 1980.