1. Bell, A. O.1972. North Sea Wave Spectra Report. London: BP, for North Sea Environmental Study Group.
2. Byles, W. S. 1965. The one from nowhere. The British and Commonwealth Review. Also published in The Marine Observer
XXXV (210), 195–197, October 1965.
3. Cartwright, D. E. and Longuet-Higgins, M. S. 1956. The statistical distribution of the maxima of a random function. Proc. R. Soc. (Lond.) A
237, 212–237.
4. Darbyshire, M. 1961. A method of calibration of shipborne wave recorders. Deutsche Hydrograph. Z. 14 (2), 56–63.
5. Draper, L. 1963. Derivation of a design wave from instrumental records of sea waves. Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs
26, 291–304.