1. Aanteekeningen over de Soendaneesche taal-en letterkunde. Fragmenten uit de Correspondentie van W. H. Engelmann met het Hoofdbestuur van het Ned. Bijbelgenootschap. TNI 3rd ser. 3rd year. vol. 1 (1869), p. 255–278. Correspondence of W. H. Engelmann with the Netherlands Bible Society, with an introduction by P. J. V(eth). In an appendix: a reprint of the review by Koorders of Grashuis’ translation of the Gospel according to St. Luke, in „De Javabode” of Jan. 2, 1867.
2. Adĕgan Basa Soenda, pakeeun di sakola goeroe djeung sapapadana. Published by the Department of Education, no author. Djakarta 1944, 144 pp.
3. 2nd ed. Djakarta-Groningen 1954, 155 pp.
4. Adiwidjaja, R. I., Kasusastran Sunda I. Djakarta-Groningen 1952, 96 pp. 2nd ed. 1954, 114 pp. The same book was published anonymously but with the same title by the Department of Education before 1944.
5. Affandie, R. A., Tjarita biasa. BP 2035. Djakarta 1959, 118 pp.