1. P. Meyer, “Des Joseph Bryennios Schriften, Leben und Bildung,” Byz. Zeitschrift 5 (1896), pp. 74–111, esp. pp. 99–100 and 110. It was Professor Aubrey Diller who drew my attention to this article. But there is considerably more of Marcus in Bryennius than Meyer recognized.
2. W. Weyland, “Zu Schenkls Marc Aurel,” B. phil. Woch. 34 (1914), coll. 1179–1184.
3. E.L. de Stefani, “Gli Excerpta della ‘Historia Animalium’ di Eliano,” Stud.Ital. 12 (1904, pp. 145-180, esp. p. 152.
4. P. de Nolchac, La bibliotheque de Fulvio Orsini, Bibliotheque de l’ecole des hautes etudes, fasc. 74 (Paris, 1887), esp. p. 339.
5. G. Vitelli, “Indice dei codici greci Riccardiani, Magliabechhiani e Marucelliani,” Stud. Ital. 2 (1894), pp, 558–562, esp. p. 561.