1. Holum, J. D., Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1996) Statement, Biological Weapons Convention Fourth Review Conference, 26 November.
2. Office of Technology Assessment (1993) Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Assessing the Risks. (OTA-ISC-559), United States Congress, Washington D.C.
3. Boulden, L. H. (1996) CIA, DIA provide new details on CW, BW programs in Iran and Russia, Arms Control Today, August, 32–33.
4. United Nations Security Council (1995) Eighth Report of the Secretary-General on the Status and Implementation of the Plan for the Ongoing Monitoring and Verification of Iraq’s Compliance with Relevant Parts of Section C of Security Council Resolution 687 (1991),S/1995/864, 11 October, United Nations, New York.
5. Leitenberg, M. (1996) Biological Weapons Arms Control, Project on Rethinking Arms Control, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland at College Park.