E-Learning in Higher Education
Springer Netherlands
Reference20 articles.
1. Bolldén, Karin. 2016. The emergence of online teaching practices: A socio-material analysis. Learning, Media and Technology 41 (3): 444–462.
2. Falloon, Garry. 2016. Researching students across spaces and places: Capturing digital data ‘on the go’. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 1–16.
3. Gikandi, J.W., D. Morrow, and N.E. Davis. 2011. Online formative assessment in higher education: A review of the literature. Computers & Education 57 (4): 2333–2351.
. Elsevier Ltd.
4. Greenhow, Christine, and Cathy Lewin. 2016. Social media and education: Reconceptualizing the boundaries of formal and informal learning. Learning, Media and Technology 41 (1): 6–30.
5. Gros, Begoña. 2016. The design of smart educational environments. Smart Learning Environments 3 (1): 15.