1. K. R. Popper, ‘Three Views Concerning Human Knowledge’, Contemporary British Philosophy (ed. by H. D. Lewis), London, 1956, pp. 355–88; and Conjectures and Refutations, London and New York, 1962, pp. 97–119. See also my ‘Duhem versus Galileo’, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science VIII (1957), 237–48.
2. Matthew Josephson, Edison (paperbound ed.), New York, 1959, pp. ix-xi.
3. Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace, ‘Application of the Calculus of Probabilities to Moral Philosophy’, A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities ( paperbound ed.), New York, 1951, Chap. X.
4. Josephson, Edison, p. 198.
5. Rudolf Carnap, Logical Foundations of Probability (2d ed.), Chicago, 1962, p. 193.