1. Bagnoli, Carla. 2002. “Moral Constructivism: A Phenomenological Argument.” Topoi 21: 125–38. (A Humean form of constructivism.)
2. Bagnoli, Carla. 2011. “Constructivism in Metaethics.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/constructivism-metaethics/#KanCon . (A survey of various types of constructivist positions.)
3. Bloom, Irene. 2009. Mencius. New York: Columbia University Press.
4. Bloomfield, Paul, and Daniel Massey. 2014. “The Metaphysics and Semantics of Moral Relativism.” In Moral Relativism and Chinese Philosophy: David Wong and his Critics, ed. Yang Xiao and Yong Huang. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, Kindle edition. (Combined with Wong 2014, this provides an example of the way that metaethicists can disagree on whether to call a theory realist or not.)
5. Boyd, Richard. 1988. “How to Be a Moral Realist.” In Essays on Moral Realism, ed. Geoffrey Sayre-McCord. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. (A defense of representation-independent moral realism.)