1. Bumash, R.J.C. (1996) ALERT - a real-time data system for hydrologic warningsALERTTransmission, AUG-SAAS newsletter, winter 1996 issue.
2. Downing, T.E. (1977) Warning for flash floods in Boulder, Colorado, Natural Hazard Research Working Paper 31, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 8Opp.
3. Downing, T.E.(1977) Flash Flood Warning Recommendations for Front Range CommunitiesUrban Drainage and Flood Control District, Denver, CO, 25pp.
4. Gruntfest, E.C. (1977) What people did during the Big Thompson flood, Natural Hazard Research Working Paper 32, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 62pp.
5. Henz Kelly a
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