1. Apel, K. 0. (1984). “Comments on Davidson” Synthese 59, 19–26.
2. Davidson, D. (1994). “The Social Aspect of Language.” The Philosophy of Michael Dummett. Edited by B. McGuinnes, and G. Oliveri. Dortrecht: Kluwer, 1–16.
3. Davidson, D. (1992). “The Second Person.” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 17, 255–67.
4. Davidson, D. (1988). “The Condition of Thought.” The Mind of Donald Davidson. Edited by J. Brande!, and W. L. Gombocz. Amsterdam: Rodori, 193–200.
5. Davidson, D. (1986). “A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs.” Lepore (1986), 433–446.