1. Dalton, B. J. (1994) Deterministic Explanation of Quantum Mechanics Based on a New Trajectory-Wave Ordering Interaction, North Star Press of St Cloud Inc., P.O. Box 451, St Cloud, Minnesota 56302 USA
2. De Broglie, L (1964) The Current Interpretation of Wave Mechanics: A Critical Study, Elsevier, Amsterdam. In this book, professor Broglie provides some perceptive insight into measurements of local events.
3. See Ch. 3.of [1].
4. Aitchison. I. J. R. and Hey, A. J. G. (1982) Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, Hilger, Bristol
5. Dalton, B. J. (1982) In. J. Theor. Phys. 21;, 765.