1. An up-to-date review of modern theoretical concepts of crystal growth will soon appear: Chernov, A.A., Müller-Krumbhaar, H., eds, “Modern theory of crystal growth” (Springer-Series: “Crystals; Growth, Properties and Applications”, Heidelberg 1983. For published reviews see [ 2,3] and concerning applications see [ 4].
2. Müller-Krumbhaar, H., in “Current Topics in Materials Science”, E. Kaldis ed., Vol. 1, p. 1, 1978 (Amsterdam, North Holland).
3. 2. Rosenberger, F., in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice, Aug. 1981
4. 3. R. Kern and B. Mutafchiev eds. (D. Reidel publ. co., Dordrecht 1981).
5. Elwell, D., Scheel, H.J., “Crystal Growth from High Temperature Solutions” (Academic Press, London 1975).