1. On the Community legal order see Riccardo Monaco, The Limits of the European Community Order, 1 ELRev. (1976), pp. 269–281.
2. Pierre Pescatore, Aspects judiciaires de l«acquis communautaire», 17 RTDE (1981), pp. 617–651.
3. Derrick Wyatt, New Legal Order, or Old?, 7 ELRev. (1982), pp. 147–166.
4. On the question whether there are three Community legal orders or one, see Albert Bleckmann, Die Einheit der Europäischen Gemeinschaftrechtsordnung — Einheit oder Mehrheit der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, 13 EuR (1978), pp. 95–104.
5. For interpretation of the preamble, see Stefan Schepers, The Legal Force of the Preamble to the EEC Treaty, 6 ELRev. (1981), pp. 356–361.