1. CEA, CEN FAR and NRPB, Harwell, Commission of the European Communities, Doc no V/3865/79-FR, EN, (1979) Methodologie pour 1’évaluation des consequences radiologiques des rejets d’ effluents radioactifs en fonctionnement normal.
2. Berlin R.E.and Stanton, C.S. (1989) Radioactive waste management, John Wiley, USA.
3. DOE/RW-0006, Rev 3, U. S. Department of Energy (1987) Integrated data base for 1987: spent fuel and radioactive inventories, projections and characteristics.
4. IAEA Tech.Rep. 337 (1992) Chemical Precipitation Processes for the Treatment of Aqueous Radioactive Liquid Waste.
5. DOE/LLW-13 TC, U. S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1984) Low-level waste treatment technology handbook.