1. The classical textbook on rigid rotation is E.J. Routh, Advanced Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies, Dover Editions (1955).
2. On the earth’s rotation an old, but still good book is W.H. Munk and G.J.F. Macdonald, The Rotation of the Earth. A Geophysical Discussion, Cambridge University Press (1960).
3. More recent and complete is K. Lambeck, The Earth’s Variable Rotation: Geophysical Causes and Consequences, Cambridge University Press (1980); see also Reference Frames in Astronomy and Geophysics (J. Kovalevsky, I.I. Mueller and B. Kolaczek, eds.), Kluwer (1989). The International Astronomical Union periodically sponsors Colloquia relevant to this topic:
4. D.D. McCarthy and J.D. Pilkington, eds., Time and the Earth Rotation, Reidel (1979);
5. E.M. Gaposchkin and B. Kolaczek, eds., Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics, Reidel (1981);