1. Astrographic catalogue 1900.0. Greenwich section 3, 1914, Edinburgh.
2. Belyavsky, S.I.:1947, “Astrographic catalogue of 11332 stars between 70 degree of north declination and north pole”, Trudy Glavnoy Astron. Observ. v Pulkove 60, 1.
3. Barney, I. and van Woerkom, A.J.J.: 1954, “Catalogue of the positions and proper motions of 1031 stars”, Trans. Astron. Obs. Yale Univ. 26, 1.
4. Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue La Palma, 1989 4; 1991 5; 1992 6; 1993 7; 1994 8.
5. Carrington, R.G.: 1857, A Catalogue of 3735 Circumpolar Stars Observed at Redhill in Year 1854, 1855, and 1856, and Reduced to Mean Positions for 1855.0., London.