1. CGMM refers to Centre de Geostatistique et Morphologie Mathématiques, 35 rue Saint Honoré — 77300 FONTAINEBLEAU APCOM refers to the various conferences named: “Application of Computer methods to the Mining Industry”.
2. Beckmann P. (1973): “Orthogonal polynomials for engineers and physicist” Cohen Press, Boulder, Co.
3. Bouchind’homme JF (1980): “Estimation de l’Uranium récupérable sur les gisements sédimentaires stratiformes exploitables à ciel ouvert” Doctor Ing. Thesis University of Nancy, INPL.
4. David M. (1972): Grade tonnage curve, use and misuse in ore reserve estimation. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall., p: 129, 132.
5. David M. (1973): Dagbert M. and Besliles JM. (1977): “The practice of porphyry copper deposit estimation for grade and ore-waste tonnage demonstrated by several case studies”. Pro. 15th APCOM, AUSTRALIAN I. M.M. Parkville.