Professional Music and Musical Systems
Springer Netherlands
Reference5 articles.
1. Cf., e.g., J. H. Nketia, The role of the drummers in Akan society, in African Music, vol. 1 (1954), pp. 34–43.
2. K. P. Wachsmann, Harp songs from Uganda, in Journal of the International Folk Music Council, vol. 8 (1956), p. 24.
3. E. Emsheimer, Singing contests in Central Asia, in Journal of the International Folk Music Council, vol. 8 (1956), p. 27.
4. Helen H. Roberts and Morris Swadesh, Songs of the Nootka Indians of western Vancouver Island, in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S. vol. 45, part 1 (1955), P. 326.
5. J. F. Carrington, Individual names given to talking-gongs in the Y atemba area of Belgian Congo, in African Music, vol. 1 no. 3 (1956), pp. 10–17.