1. L. Kanal, “Patterns in pattern recognition: 1968–1974, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-20, No. 6, pp. 697–722, November 1974.
2. MBLE Research Report;PA Devijver,1974
3. I. Vajda, “Bounds of the minimal error probability on checking a finite or countable number of hypotheses”, Information Transmission Problems, Vol. 4, pp. 9–19, 1968.
4. I. Vajda, “Note on discrimination information and variation”, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-16, pp. 771–773, November 1970.
5. P. A. Devijver, “On a new class of bounds on Bayes risk in multihypothesis pattern recognition”, IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-23, pp. 70–80, January 1974.