1. H. Aaronson “Lectures in the theory of phase transformations”,TMS (1999), recently reedited and updated is a must. The articles by M.Hillert on “thermodynamics” (Chapter 1) and by R.Sekerka on “Moving boundary problems” (Chapter 5) are masterpieces.
2. G. Kostorz “Phase transformations in Materials”, Wiley VCH, (2002), is an updated version of the Treatise on Materials Science and Technology, volume 5 edited by R.Cahn, P.Haasen, E.Kramer. Of special relevance to the present topics are the review papers by R.Wagner et al. on “Homogeneous second phase precipitation” ( Chapter 5) and G.Purdy et al. on “Transformations involving interfacial diffusion” (Chapter 7)
3. J. Philibert, “Atom movements, Diffusion and Mass transport in solids”. Editions de Physique (1991) provides an excellent textbook on diffusion and its applications
4. M. Hillert “Phase diagrams and Phase Transformations”, Cambridge University Press (1999) is the key reference on the application of thermodynamics to phase transformations.
5. J.W. Martin, R.D. Doherty, B. Cantor “Stability of micostructures in metallic systems”, Cambridge University Press (1997) is an encyclopedic visit of the world of microstructural evolution, and an invaluable source of references to original papers.