1. Antonelli, P.L. and Hrimiuc, D. (1996) On the Theory of ϕ-Lagrange Manifolds With Applications in Biology and Physics, Nonlinear World, 3, 299–333.
2. Antonelli, P.L. and Zastawniak, T.J. (1993) Diffusions on Finsler Manifolds, Rep. Math. Phy., 33, 303–315 (also, this issue).
3. Antonelli, P.L. and Zastawniak, T.J. (1994) Stochastic Calculus on Finsler Manifolds and An Application in Biology, Nonlinear World, 1, 149–171 (also, this issue).
4. Grifone, J. (1972) Structure Presque-Tangente et Connections I, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenable, 22, no. 1, 287–334.
5. Hrimiuc, D. (1996) Diffusion on the Total Space of a Vector Bundle, Balkan J. Geom. Appl., 1, no. 2, 53–62 (also, this issue).