1. D. Cioranescu and J.P. Bias, A time dependent coupled system related to the tridimensional equations of a nematic liquid crystal, J. of Math. Anal, and Appli.,to appear.
2. J.P. Dias, A simplified variational model for the bidimensional coupled evolution equations of a nematic liquid crystal J. of Math. Anal, and Appli. 67 (1979),pp. 525–541.
3. J.P. Dias, Un problème aux limites pour un système d’équations non linéaires tridimensionnel, Boll.Unio.Mat.Ital. 16–B (J979), to appear.
4. J.P. Dias, On the existence of a strong solution for a nonlinear evolution system, J. of Nonlinear Analysis, to appear.
5. J.P. Dias and A. Haraux, Smoothing effect and asymptotic behavior for the solutions of a nonlinear time dependent system, to appear.