1. Annex 46. Energy and process assessment protocol. IEA ECBCS. Annex 46, http://www.iea.org/topics/energysecurity/
2. ASHRAE Standard 100-2015: ANSI/ASHRAE/IEA Standard 100-2015 (2015) Energy efficiency in existing buildings
3. Booth S, Barnett J, Burman K, Hambrick J, Westby R (2010) Net zero energy military installations: a guide to assessment and planning. Technical report NREL/TP-7A2-48876
4. Brown MH, Rewey C, Gagliano T (2003) Energy security. National Conference of State Legislatures. Denver 80230(303):364–7700. http://www.oe.netl.doe.gov/docs/prepare/NCSLEnergy%20Security.pdf
5. de Vos R, van Breevoort P, Hagemann M, Höhne N (2014) Increasing the EU’s energy independence – a no-regrets strategy for energy security and climate change. http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/ecofys-ocn-2014-increasing-the-eu-s-energy-independence.pdf . Ecofus www.ecofys.com . For further information, please contact: Rolf de Vos, Ecofys (r.devos@ecofys.com)