1. Ableson, J. (1913). Jewish mysticism: An introduction to the Kabbalah. London: G. Bell.
2. Aquinas, T. (1937). Commentaria in libros Aristotelis de anima [Commentary on Aristotle’s book on the soul] (A. Mager Trans.). Vienna: Jakob Hegner. (Original work written about 1270).
3. Aristotle. (1931). The works of Aristotle (W. D. Ross Ed. Trans. various). Oxford: Clarendon. (Original works written about 350 B.C.).
4. Assaf, S. (2005). The ambivalence of the sense of touch in early modern prints. Renaissance and Reformation, 29(1), 75–98.
5. Avicenna. (1952). Avicenna’s psychology: An English translation of Kitab al-Najat, Book 2, Chap. 6 with historico-philosophical notes and textual improvements on the Cairo edition. (F. Rahman Trans.). London: Oxford University Press. (Original work written about 1030).