1. Adams, T. (1616). The taming of the tongue. In The sacrifice of thankefulnesse A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the third of December, being the first Aduentuall Sunday, anno 1615. By Tho. Adams. Whereunto are annexed fiue other of his sermons preached in London, and else-where; neuer before printed. 19–45. London: Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for Clement Knight, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Holy Lambe.
2. Alberti, L. B. (1540). De pictura praestantissima, et nunquam satis laudata arte libri tres absolutissimi. Basileae: [Bartholomaeus Westheimer], anno M.D. XL [1540] mense Augusto. (English title: On Painting).
3. Anonymous. (1954). Sir Orfeo (A. J. Bliss (Ed.)). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Aristotle. (1931a). The works of Aristotle (W. D. Ross (Ed.), various trans.) Oxford: Clarendon.
5. Aristotle. (1931b). The works of Aristotle: De Anima (trans: J. A. Smith). Oxford: Clarendon.