1. Rayleigh, L., “The Theory of Sound”, Dover Pub., New York, 1945
2. Zinn, B. T., “Pulsating Combustion”, Chapter II in “Advanced Combustion Methods”, edited by F. Weinberg and published by Academic Press, 1986.
3. Dowling, A. D. and Pfowcs Williams, J. E., Sound and Sound Sources, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983.
4. Zinn, B. T.., Miller, N., Carvalho, J. A., and Daniel, B. R.., Pulsating Combustion of Coal in a Rijke Type Combustor, Proceed. 19th Int’l Symposium on Combustion, pp. 1197–1203, Haifa, Israel, August 8–13,1982.
5. NASA SP 194,1972