1. Proceedings of the First European Symposium on Engineering Ceramics, Oyez Scientific and Technical Services, London, 1985.
2. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Ceramic Components for Engines, Somiya, S., Kanai, E. and Ando, K. (eds), Tokyo, KTK Scientific Publications and London, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1984; Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ceramic Components for Engines, Bunk, W. and Hausner, H. (eds), Verlag Bad Honnef, 1986.
3. Creyke, W. E. C., Sainsbury, I. E. J. and Morrell, R., Design with non-ductile materials, London, Applied Science Publishers, 1982.
4. VAMAS bulletin (1, January 1985; 2, July 1985; 3, January 1986; 4, July 1986; 5, January 1987; 7, July 1987; 8, to be published in January 1988 ). The editor was initially Dr E. D. Hondros, NPL, UK, but is now Dr B. Steiner, NBS, USA
5. Mussler, B., Swain, M. and Claussen, N. Dependence of fracture toughness of alumina on grain size and test technique, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 65 (11) (1982) 567–72.