1. Gaussian92: (1992) M.J. ÊFrisch, G.W.Trucks, M. Head-Gordon, P.M.W. Gill,M.W. Wong, J.B. Foresman, B.G. Johnston, H.B. Schlegel, M. Robb, C. Gonzalez, R.L. Martin, D.J. Fox, D.J. Defrees, J. Baker,J.J.P. Stewart and J.A. Pople: Distributed by Gaussian Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.
2. GAMESS: M.W. Schmidt, K.K. Baldridge, J.J. Boatz, S.T. Elbert, M.S. Gordon, J.H. Jensen, S. Koseki, N. Matsunaga, K.A. Nugyen, S. Su, T.L. Windus, M. Dupuis and J.A. Motgomery, Jr.:Distributed by M. Schmidt, Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa.
3. Turbomol: Reinhart Ahlrichand coworkers, Distributed by Biosym. Technologies, 10065 Barnes Canyon Rd., San Diego, CA 92121.
4. AcesII: R. Bartlett and coworkers, Quantum Theory Project, The University of Florida, Gainesville, F1 32611.
5. AMPAC: Michael Dewar and co-workers. This code is now distributed by Andrew Holder, Semichem., Dept. of Chemistry, the University of Missorri, Kansas City, Mo.