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2. David, M. (1972) “Grade-tonnage Curve: Use and Misuse in Ore Reserve Estimation”. Transactions I.M.M., Vol. 81, pp 129–132.
3. David, M. (1974) “Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation”; University of Nevada and Ecole Polytechnique, 303 p.
4. Dowd, P.A. (1975) “Mine Planning and Ore Reserve Estimation With the Aid of a Digigraphic Console”, C.I.M. Bulletin, Vol. 68, No. 754 p. 39–43.
5. Gauthier, F.J. and Gray, R.G. (1971) “Pit Design by Computer at Gas-pe Copper Mines, Limited”. C.I.M.M. Bulletin, Vol. 64, No. 715, p. 95–102.