1. Descartes, R.:Oeuvres de Descartes (AT), publiés par Ch. Adam et P. Tannery, Leopold Cerf, Paris, 1897-1913, 12 vols.
2. Descartes, R.: The Philosophical Works of Descartes (HR), transl. by E. S. Haldane and G. T. Ross, London, 1911 (1978), 2 vols.
3. Descartes, R.: Philosophical Letters, transl. and ed. by A. Kenny, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970.
4. Alanen, L.: ‘Studies in Cartesian Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind’, in Acta Philosophica Fennica, Vol. 33, Helsinki, 1982.
5. Alquie, F. (ed.): Oeuvres philosophiques de Descartes, Garnier Frères, Paris, 1963-1973, 3 vols.